Study on epoxy-amine/ epoxy-acrylate complex cathodic electrodeposition coating Synthesis and application of acrylic resin for UV-curable cathodic electrophoretic coating 环氧-胺/环氧-丙烯酸酯复配阴极电泳涂料紫外光固化阴极电泳涂料用丙烯酸树脂的合成及应用
The mathematical model was established, and so actual problem could be solved in the automobile coating application. 建立数学模型,解决汽车涂料应用中的实际问题。
Selection of complex coating and application technology test for work pieces of hot dip galvanized steel 热镀锌钢工件复合涂层的选择与涂装工艺试验
Effects of Seed Coating and P Application on Tobacco Growth and Nutrient Accumulation 种子包衣与施磷肥对烤烟生长及养分累积的影响
Study on Slurry Abrasive Characteristics of Laser Cladding Coating and Its Application 激光熔覆涂层的浆体磨损特性及其应用研究
Various colors acrylic gloss coating Typical Application: The machie is applied to the costing production of colour paint mixing, and to mix also production's materials of liquid-liquid, liquid-solid. 用途:适用于涂料行业的色漆配色混合,以及其他行业的液液,液固物料的混合。
Buried Steel Pipe External Coating Selection and Application 埋地钢质管道外防腐层的选择与应用
Has knowledge in local ( Chinese) suppliers of powder coating raw materials, powder coating application equipment, powder coating manufacturing equipment, powder lab testing equipment. 了解粉末涂料在本地的原料供应商、粉末涂料运用的设备、粉末涂料生产设备、粉末实验室测试设备。
Always administer a generous coating with every application to all sun-exposed areas. 在阳光强烈的户外,请一定穿上一件宽大的外套。
Applied technical specification for exterior wall coating Code for application technology of fire resistive coating for steel structure 外墙涂料工程应用技术规程钢结构防火涂料应用技术规范
A Newly-developed Electromagnetic Shielding Composit Coating and its Application in EMC 一种新研制的电磁屏蔽涂料及其在EMC中的应用
The Performance of the Mult-colors and Elastic Polyurethane Waterproof coating and Its Application; Primary Studies on the Materials and Technology of the Painted Sculptures from Houtu Temple in Shanxi Province 聚氨酯彩弹新型防水材料研究及工程应用山西省介休市后土庙彩塑制作材料及工艺初探
Company is devoted to the research and development, manufacturing, and coating application of heavy-duty industrial corrosion-resistant coatings. 公司是集科研、开发、生产、施工于一体的重防腐涂料的设计、生产、和应用企业。
Therefore it is necessary to study the mechanics performance of thin coating, which composite the prerequisite of coating's application. 由此,对薄涂层的机械力学性能的研究是涂层应用的前提。
The application of major optical element coatings type, design the coating parameter and curve of spectrum in the stage lighting field, exploratory the optical coating material, process and optical coating application ′ s situation are introduced. 现主要介绍舞台灯光中常用的光学薄膜元件类型、设计膜系和光谱曲线,探讨光学镀膜材料和工艺,以及光学薄膜元件的应用场合。
On the basis of some principle trouble of coating glass, the application principle of magnetron sputtering, selection of target material are introduced, enhancement of the coating quality, application of the coated glass and development prospect are also given in this paper. 本文在探讨镀膜玻璃一些基本问题的基础上,阐述了磁控溅射在玻璃涂层技术中的应用机理、靶的结构、靶材的选取、提高膜层质量以及镀膜玻璃的应用及发展前景等问题。
The study on natural antibacterialium, organic antibacterialium and inorganic antibacterialium-typed coating and their application are reviewed. 介绍了天然抗菌剂、有机抗菌剂、无机抗菌剂在涂料方面的应用研究现状;
Chrome plating in chromic acid bath containing the additives of rare earth element is a new kind of technology, which can reduce the concentration of the chromic acid, improve the property of the bath, and enhance the quality of the coating. Application prospects are promising. 在铬酸镀液中加入稀土添加剂能降低镀液的铬酸浓度、改善镀液性能、提高镀层质量,达到节约原材料、降低能耗、减少污染的目的,因而具有较好的应用前景。
RTV silicone rubber coating and its application in Tianjin Power System is introduced in this paper. 介绍RTV硅橡胶防污闪涂料的作用及在天津电网中的应用,阐述其实际推广应用的巨大成效。
Selection and control of the equipment for pretreatment before coating application 浅述涂装前处理设备的选择与控制
The fire protection of steel structure was discussed. The design of coating and standards for the inspection and acceptance of coating application process and quality were developed. 讨论了钢架结构的防火,并且制定涂层的设计方案、施工工艺及质量验收标准等。
The influence of high temperature remote-Infrared coating paint application on en-ergy consumption, furnace temperature, life of furnace lining, metal lost of billet and waiting time of billet heating have been described in this paper. 介绍了攀钢轨梁厂加热炉应用高温远红外涂料后对加热炉的能耗、炉温、炉衬寿命、钢坯烧损及钢坯待热时间的影响。
Hybrid Polyester-epoxy Powder Coating and Application 聚酯环氧粉末涂料及其应用
The structure and major properties of boron carbide, preparation methods of boron carbide coating and application status and prospect were reviewed. 综述了碳化硼材料的基本结构、主要性能参数、各种制备碳化硼涂层的方法以及碳化硼涂层的应用现状和前景。
Numerous kinds of new materials for optical coating have emerged with the developing of coating technology and application optics. 当前光学镀膜技术和应用光学的进展迅速,新的各种形式光学镀膜材料不断涌现。
Preparation of Photocatalytic Coating and Application in the Degradation of Fluorobenzene 光催化涂料的制备及其降解氟苯
Simulation Analysis of Biologic Graded Coating Application of Thermal Photoelasticity in Determing Residual Thermal Stress Field 生物活性梯度涂层热应力场的模拟分析
In China, there were corrosion problems arised by this type thermal insulation for lack of well matched coating application techniques and quality control system. 国内在采用该技术时,由于配套技术和施工质量存在问题,使埋地管道出现严重腐蚀现象。
Optical Coating and Application 光学薄膜及其应用
This paper analyzed the corrosion factors of refining tins, briefly introduced the anticorrosion process of fusing-aluminum coating plus traditional sealing coating and its application result, discussed the failure mechanism of this process and put forward measures for improvement. 分析了炼油厂储罐内壁受到腐蚀的原因,简要介绍了喷铝加传统封闭涂料的防腐工艺及其应用效果,探讨了该防腐工艺的失效机理,并提出了改进措施。